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Quality and certifications

The whole manufacturing process is carried out using new, technologically advanced equipment made exclusively for Italfood. The production process is constantly monitored by an IT system that will detect any irregularity in the processing of the product; this ensures the highest levels of quality and reliability of our products in compliance with the codex alimentarius issued by HACCP (Hazard analysis critical control point).
The Quality Assurance Service has been entrusted with the specific task of certifying that the products comply with customers’ needs, the regulations in force and the general rules set by the Management.

Italfood is certified by BRC (since 2000) and IFS (since 2004).
Since 2000, we have put a lot of effort into the improvement of the manufacturing and quality systems and our efforts were rewarded by the Higher Level granted for both certifications. The aim of the BRC and IFS standards is to organise the whole production process so as to ensure the full traceability of the product from the origin of the raw materials, covering all the stages of the manufacturing process, right down to the packaged and stored product. Both standards have increased th e quality of our product which in turn has enhanced our customers’ satisfaction.
